Where can I purchase reflective address signs for my home?

In an emergency, just a few minutes could make the difference between life and death. Can your address be seen clearly and easily by emergency responders, especially at night? Consider installing a reflective number address sign that can be seen clearly in day and at...

How often must I pump my on-site septic system?

Who do I call to pump my on-site septic system, and how often should this service be performed? Most homes in Pocopson have on-site septic systems rather than public sewers. The Chester County Health Department’s Owners’ Manual for On-Lot Sewer...

When do I need a Permit from the Township?

Pocopson Township requires building permits for most construction projects. These permits are required to ensure that all construction activities meet the requirements of the ICC Building Codes required by law. There is a $25 non-refundable fee is due upon submission...

How do I obtain a building permit?

The Pocopson Township Permit Application Process takes approximately 15 working days. If any construction commences before a permit is issued and paid for the permit fees will be doubled. A non-refundable fee of $25.00 must be included when a building permit...