Zoning Hearing Board

The Zoning Hearing Board is established to hear appeals on the validity of the zoning ordinance or map or any decision
of the zoning officer.  In addition, the Zoning Hearing Board has the power to grant variances and special exceptions to Township ordinances.

Pocopson’s Zoning Hearing Board meets as needed.  The Zoning Hearing Board consists of the following members:

  • James Noon, Jr.
  • Nathan Wilson
  • David Ziegler
  • Georgia Brutscher, Alternate

Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor: Edward M. Foley

Pocopson’s Code Enforcement Officer: Craig Kologie, Castle Valley Consultants

If you wish to appeal a zoning decision or ordinance, a zoning hearing is required.  Contact the Township office for a zoning hearing application.