Pocopson Park is located between Locust Grove and Wawaset Roads, north of Corinne Road.
There are two parking lots:
477 Locust Grove Road, West Chester, 19382
520 S. Wawaset Road, West Chester, 19382
Recreational facilities on the Locust Grove Road side of the Park include a playground and tot lot. Built in 2007, the facilities feature a spiderweb-like structure that encourages development of upper body strength. This equipment is geared to 5 – 12 year olds. To keep our youngest residents entertained, the Township also acquired a horse-shaped climber appropriate for toddlers. Originally shaped like a dinosaur, the design of this structure was modified to reference the Township’s history.
In 2015, the Township added a second section of playground equipment with sway bench seating for parents, along with bleachers at the sports fields and several fitness stations.
Also on this side of the park is a pavilion that provides a large, shaded area for picnics, Scout and community meetings, etc. Six picnic tables and two grills are available. The Township soccer and baseball fields are close by, along with bathrooms.
On the S. Wawaset Road side of the Park are tennis and basketball courts. Across the street is the northern end of a paved bikeway that runs south and parallels S. Wawaset Road down to Lenape-Unionville Road.