With a storm approaching and heavy rainfall forecasted for this Monday, we wanted to bring your attention to a new web site, chesco.org/FloodTools, that highlights flood forecasts and real-time river water levels. The purpose of the web site is to provide emergency managers, municipal decision makers, and the general public information on forecasted and current stream flooding conditions throughout Chester County.

According to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, flooding is the most common natural disaster in Pennsylvania. And since rainfall and floodwaters can change rapidly, it is important to have both forecasts and real-time information available to help prepare for and respond to flooding in our communities.

The chesco.org/FloodTools web site was developed by the Chester County Water Resources Authority to consolidate:

  • National Weather Service River Flood Forecasts for forecasted river levels for the next 3 days,
  • U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water Dashboard with real-time graphs on current stream conditions, and
  • U.S. Geological Survey’s WaterAlert service to opt-in for text or email alerts for customizable rainfall and stream thresholds.

To learn more about the FloodTools web site, a brief demonstration video is included on the home page to highlight key features of the web site.

Please contact the Chester County Water Resources Authority at water@chesco.org with any questions or comments.