HOA Virtual Roundtable: Stormwater Management

Date & Time
Aug 7, 2024 06:30 PM  in  
Stormwater management is a challenging issue for HOAs to tackle: it requires an understanding of how the community’s infrastructure works, how it must be maintained, when it must be upgraded, and how to budget for those upgrades. This virtual workshop will provide an overview of these elements, and will also cover stormwater planning for HOA communities and the basics of green stormwater infrastructure. There will be ample time to ask questions related to your specific community. Presenters include Meliora Design, the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, and the Center for Watershed Protection. Optional Homework for Participants This program will feature time to talk with experts about your community’s stormwater management questions and concerns. To best take advantage of this time, you might consider completing the following “homework assignment” prior to joining the event. Step 1: Find an aerial image of your community. Step 2: Using different color ink for each feature (either by hand or digitally) locate the: Basins, swales, stream corridors, ponds, approximate location of pipes that carry stormwater into the basins and out of the basins, as well as any permeable pavement or underground cisterns. Step 3: Think about the following questions: – What is growing in the basins? (Mowed turf, cattails, native wildflowers, etc.) – Where do the basins discharge? What does that discharge point look like? Is there erosion? – How long do the basins hold water after it rains? – Do people in the community like the appearance of the basins and other stormwater infrastructure? – Do any areas of the community regularly flood or get washed out?
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