On July 22, 2024, the Board of Supervisors approved an amendment to Township Code Chapter 150 “Peddling and Soliciting” to update the requirements for peddlers and solicitors in the Township. The updated ordinance limits the solicitation or peddling of goods and...
Pocopson Township requires building permits for most construction projects. Permits are required to ensure that all construction activities meet the requirements of the ICC Building Codes. Some projects may also require zoning permits. Examples of projects that...
Pocopson Township requires building permits for most construction projects. These permits are required to ensure that all construction activities meet the requirements of the ICC Building Codes required by law. The Township Building Inspector is in the office on...
No, Pocopson Township does not require an occupancy inspection for resales.
Who do I call to pump my on-site septic system, and how often should this service be performed? Most homes in Pocopson have on-site septic systems rather than public sewers. The Chester County Health Department’s Owners’ Manual for On-Lot Sewer...