On July 22, 2024, the Board of Supervisors approved an amendment to Township Code Chapter 150 “Peddling and Soliciting” to update the requirements for peddlers and solicitors in the Township.
The updated ordinance limits the solicitation or peddling of goods and services within the Township from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and requires individuals and businesses, which are not otherwise exempt under the Ordinance, to submit a completed application and obtain a permit before engaging in peddling and soliciting activities. There are certain exceptions to the registration requirements as referenced in Section 150.9 of the ordinance, including political and religious solicitors.
The Board of Supervisors encourages all residents and businesses to familiarize themselves with the amended ordinance and with the application process to avoid any disruptions or misunderstandings regarding their activities. Sections 150.4, 150.5, and 150.6 of the ordinance gives guidance for posting signage to prohibit a solicitor or peddler from entering upon posted property. Residents with questions or concerns regarding posting no peddling/soliciting signs on private property or questions regarding the validity of a permit should contact the Township at 610-793-2151 and ask to speak with the Codes Enforcement Officer.
Permit requirements/Application process – the application and copy of the Amended Ordinance can be found on the township website or by clicking this link: Peddling/Solicitation Application
Conduct of Peddlers and Solicitors – every peddler or solicitor, whether or not exempt from the permit/application process, shall comply with the rules of conduct referenced in Section 150.7, as well as not enter upon posted properties.
Identification – registered peddlers and solicitors will be issued a permit card which must be visible at all times while conducting business. Please be aware that some classes of peddlers/solicitors, such as political or religious solicitors, are not required to register with the Township and will not have a registration card.
Compliance – failure to comply with the provisions of the ordinance may result in fines, revocation of the permit, and legal action.
Residents/business owners may report peddlers and solicitors who they believe may not be in compliance with the Ordinance to the Township’s Code Enforcement Officer. Residents/business owners may also report peddlers/solicitors who fail to comply with posted signage or fail to leave the property upon request to the State Police.