NOTICE – POCOPSON TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARDnnNOTICE is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of Pocopson Township will hold a Public Hearing at the Pocopson Township Municipal Building, 664 South Wawaset Road, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 19382, on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at which time the Board will hear the following matter:nApplication of Samuel Rosauri, which seeks a variance from §250-17.D(5)(b) (Wastewater treatment and disposal) of the Pocopson Township Zoning Ordinance to permit a residential lot to be developed with only one disposal field where adequate area for two disposal fields is required. The Applicant also seeks special exceptions pursuant to the following sections of the zoning ordinance: §250-87.D(1)(a)(Steep slope conservation) to permit a 46% disturbance of moderately steep slope areas where 25% is the maximum permitted disturbance; §250-87.D(1)(b)(Steep slope conservation) to permit 100% disturbance of steep slope margin areas where 25% is the maximum permitted disturbance; §250-87.D(1)(c)(Steep slope conservation) to permit a 17% disturbance of very steep slope areas where 10% is the maximum permitted disturbance; and §250-87.K(1)(b)(Woodlands and hedgerows) to permit a 45% disturbance of woodlands where 20% is the maximum permitted disturbance, for the proposed construction of a single-family detached dwelling on the property located at 2 Deblyn V Lane, West Chester (UPI #63-3-117.11), which is located in the Residential and Agricultural Zoning District.nIf you are a person with a disability and wish to attend the public meeting scheduled above and require an auxiliary aide, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings; or if you wish to participate remotely, please contact Susan Simone at 610-793-2151 to discuss how Pocopson Township may best accommodate your needs.nGAWTHROP GREENWOOD, PCnRobert C. Jefferson, IV, Alternate Solicitor